Fri, 26 Aug 2022
Our Sustainability Plan
We are proud to announce that Acepac has ramped up and improved on our sustainability initiatives in 2022. We the employees of Acepac are always pushing the company to find and think of new ways to do our part for the environment.
Here is a quick rundown of our new initiatives:
1. We have started recycling all our warehouse waste.
We now collect all the waste plastic, cardboard boxes, and scrap paper at our warehouse to be recycled into big recycling bins. Once the big bins have been filled, they will be sent off to a recycling plant. As a company that has a warehouse full of boxes and packaging materials, these bins tend to get filled fast, sometimes even daily!

2. We have started producing and providing 50% - 80% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) packaging materials to many of our customers. This means that our new packaging materials are made partially from recycled plastic such as old plastic bags. The recycled plastic is collected by a recycling plant before being melted into PCR Resin. The resin is then repurposed into new and more environmentally friendly packaging materials for our customers.

3. As a packaging supplier, we feel that we have the added responsibility to do our part for the environment and its preservation. Thus, we are always finding ways to go above and beyond in terms of our initiatives to contribute to the cause and extend this initiative to be beyond just our own company. We are currently in talks with a few of our customers to launch a new plan whereby we will voluntarily collect back all the waste materials (especially plastic) from our customers to be sent for recycling. We aim to soft launch this initiative with a few customers by the end of 2022 for trial, before aiming to launch it on a larger scale after.
We at Acepac are always evolving and improving our operations to be greener. Thus, we hope to be able to expand and improve on our environmental and sustainability initiatives as we grow. Do stay tuned for any updates on our progress!